Friday, 21 May 2010

Some of my horsey photos; take a peek.

i did a photoshoot a while ago, and i tried taking photos myself, actually my friends took these. Here they are.
Meh, alot has gone on since i last posted on here. Well for starters, i am absolutely in love with this beautiful hot weather! ☼
I really can't wait 'til summer, lets hope the weather stays like this. Then maybe; water-fights, sunbathing, wearing shorts and t-shirts, swimming in a pool in your garden, barbeques, eeeep! I. Cannot. Wait. The only bad thing about summer is BUGS. Oh my god, i cannot stand them. Nats, flies, bees, spiders and them things that always on the walls in your house at night. They FREAK me out.

Anyways, hopefully it will be a good weekend. Tomorrow i'm up early and going to badminton training at 10AM 'til 11:30AM. Then coming home, getting ready to go out. At one, am going to my friends house in Lostock to meet up with my friends from school and maybe have a water-fight, if it is hot enough. Or maybe going down to the dirtbike tracks in the woods with my friends and going on their motorbikes with them. I'd obviously not drive it i just get a seater from one of the lads. Then, sunday, horse riding in the afternoon.

I went on a motorbike last week with this really cute boy called Ryan. Two lads both offered to give me seaters, but he kept mithering me so i just said yes. I had so much fun. I am actually terrified of motorbikes but now i've been on one which went pretty fast, i am fine with them.

i want some followers :(


Friday, 2 April 2010

hey guys, i am asking you for a favour so i hopefully have a chance for my modelling ambition to happen.
all you need to do is make an account at (to be the face of BANK) and vote for me or even take part in the competition yourself.

my link for my page is


Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Not written on here for a while guys, sorry. Anyway, it's the EASTER HOLIDAYS! :)
And i have such an amazing weekend already, on sunday i did a photoshoot but with people from my dance.
But we did individual shots, and do you know what has made me so happy about it? That i was the only person that they said was one of the most beautiful people they've seen and i look natural and have lovely hair, it really lightened my mood. I can't wait to get the photos, i will probably scan them and might post some on here! Eeeeep, I CAN'T WAIT!! Since the photoshoot experience, i really enjoyed it and i hope to do it again. The photography company might be signing up some of the beautiful and gorgeous dancers to be models for them, and I would like to hope that i was one of them.

Bit of a short post, but does it really matter, eh?

Saturday, 20 March 2010

This is a WWI poem by Herbert Read (1893-1968) called "The Happy Warrior", which i have to learn for my English class off by heart. You are probably wondering why i have posted it on here, but it is so i can log onto a different computer, copy the text onto microsoft word, and then print it. Considering i cannot find my memorystick. :)

His wild heart beats with painful sobs,
His strin'd hands clench an ice-cold rifle,
His aching jaws grip a hot parch'd tongue,
His wide eyes search unconsciously.

He cannot shriek.

Bloody saliva
Dribbles down his shapeless jacket.

I saw him stab
And stab again
A well-killed Boche.

This is the happy warrior,
This is he...

Saturday, 13 March 2010

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty and he said no. She asked him if he would want to be with her forever and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and once again he replied with a no. She had heard enough. As she walked away,tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said "You're not pretty you're beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever. I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away. I'd die"

How sweet is that?! <3 x

Friday, 12 March 2010

Hello, how have you all been? I know it has been weeks since i've been on here and i apologize for that, but I have been so busy lately. I don't really have anything to update you with, but don't you just love the new TV show on E4 called Glee? Oh my god, it is one of the best TV programs i've seen. If any of you are reading this which i hope you are, feel free to comment :D Anyway, i have got to say they have some fit people on Glee, i mean .. Mr Schuster, Puck, etc.
What do you think about it? I also love all the songs they have done, they are all amazing singers. My mum got the 2 cds for her birthday of all the songs from season 1, and i love listening to it. The best song on there is Can't Fight This Feeling.. it is amazing! If you're not sure which one I am on about, it is the one where Finn is singing in the shower after football practice, and that is where Will discovers his talent. Know now?

Yeah, i know this is quite short, but ah well.
Au revoir dudes x

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Ah, not wrote on here for about a week! I'm hopeless at remembering to do stuff, like keep writing my blog or to put something away although my mum nags me over and over again about it. Anyway, this morning i went to tesco with my Mother to do food shopping. She kept moaning at me because I kept standing in other people's way and not looking around to see what was happening (i nearly got run over by a car), but it was not my fault she made me get up so friggin' early to go shopping and i was still half asleep. On the car journey, she was talking to me about it for ages.. it felt more like she was giving me a lecture.

In about 45 minutes, i am going horse riding, and no, i do not have my own horse yet. I have to borrow the riding school's horses which I actually do not mind. After i get home, my sister is coming home with her boyfriend and we are having a sunday dinner, then they are leaving. Problem is.. i have got shit loads of homework to do for tomorrow and tuesday. And to top it off, at school tomorrow; i am on help desk. If you have no idea of what it is, well I will explain. 
Help desk is basically where you are off timetable all day to sit on a desk with someone else waiting for jobs to do. It is BORING! And every hour you have to go round the class you are supposed to be in and ask for work. What a shitty day I am gonna be having.

Au revoir x