Sunday, 28 February 2010

Ah, not wrote on here for about a week! I'm hopeless at remembering to do stuff, like keep writing my blog or to put something away although my mum nags me over and over again about it. Anyway, this morning i went to tesco with my Mother to do food shopping. She kept moaning at me because I kept standing in other people's way and not looking around to see what was happening (i nearly got run over by a car), but it was not my fault she made me get up so friggin' early to go shopping and i was still half asleep. On the car journey, she was talking to me about it for ages.. it felt more like she was giving me a lecture.

In about 45 minutes, i am going horse riding, and no, i do not have my own horse yet. I have to borrow the riding school's horses which I actually do not mind. After i get home, my sister is coming home with her boyfriend and we are having a sunday dinner, then they are leaving. Problem is.. i have got shit loads of homework to do for tomorrow and tuesday. And to top it off, at school tomorrow; i am on help desk. If you have no idea of what it is, well I will explain. 
Help desk is basically where you are off timetable all day to sit on a desk with someone else waiting for jobs to do. It is BORING! And every hour you have to go round the class you are supposed to be in and ask for work. What a shitty day I am gonna be having.

Au revoir x

Friday, 19 February 2010

All we are saying, is give peace a chance.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Life is like a rollercoaster, it has its up and downs but its a thrill.

I know all my posts are just about me me me. But i enjoy writing them, even though I know that no one ever reads them! :( Without any followers, it makes me know that I am a shit writer and my posts are boring.

Anyway, this post is also gonna be about me and my life at this moment in time. MY LIFE IS GOING ABSOLUTELY GREAT!! I have a brilliant boyfriend, who i actually fancied for a long long time before we started going out. I have amazing friends, who I can trust. Life is actually going perfect for once and i don't want anybody or anything to mess it up!

Toodles xx

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

This evening, whilst sat in the passenger seat with my ipod blasting music into my ears and my boyfriend texting me, I was thinking about the environment and how much people don't give a shit about it. I really do care about the environment, I don't want bad consequences to happen to our planet because of people being selfish.

My friends at school always waste paper even if they make one tiny mistake, they throw it into the bin. I tell them not to throw it away and to just cross it out and carry on or use the back of it, but they just tell me to stop moaning and ignore me. I'm trying to save the trees, because without trees, there is no oxygen, and with no oxygen nobody will have the ability to breathe. Then we will all die, is that seriously what they want? It also annoys me when people don't recycle their bottles, tins, glass etc. They just chuck them in any old bin. Also, i think that everyone should definately walk to places instead of having pointless car journeys. Driving five miles less everyday could make a massive difference to your rising CO2 emissions.

I sound like a fuckin' adult.
Au revoir xx

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

This evening, i spent three hours sat on the sofa with my eyes glued to the television. Firstly, i watched Hollyoaks at 7:00PM, then Eastenders at 7:30PM and the BRIT Awards at 8:00PM.

Every year i spend two hours of my time watching the awards show, I don't know why though. I just love it, its the only awards show i don't mind watching. What let it down this year was that the same people kept getting more than one award, it's not their fault but they could of chose a musical act of a different variety than the same old ones.

The highlight of the show was the amazing performance by Dizzee Rascal and Florence Welch, it was two very different type of singers combined to form an incredible song. I don't think anyone was expecting that performance to be quite good because when you think about it, the singers are very different.

I think.. that Florence Welch is an amazing singer, from which she inspires me. I love to sing. I also love her hair style and colour, I would love my hair to be like that but I don't think I would suit it. I would just look ridiculous!

Anyway guys, I'm off now.. it's 11:45PM and I need to get up very early in the morning.
Goodnight bloggers, trah! xx

Monday, 15 February 2010

Over the past few days, i have been surfing the internet for clothes and shoes. I'm going to be putting photos up of the clothing items and like the price and shop.

Firstly, i found these wonderful trainers/dunks from footlocker for £60, they are really nice and i really want them, but the closest footlocker near me is the one in the trafford centre. So i might be going there on saturday. They are called Pastry's.

I've just tried to save a picture of a clothing item off the new look website, but it won't let me save it so you can only see the photo of the Pastry's. Argh shucks.

Goodbye xx

Saturday, 13 February 2010

thats not the only reason why I am happy, I am also happy because I am going to the Trafford Centre on a shopping spree with my friend (because its her birthday) and its gonna be great! I will probably run out of money within one hour of being there.
And I'm also happy again because it's valentines day tomorrow, and i get to spend it with my lovely boyfriend who i love so much. We've been going out for a month and a week, oh my god it only feels like a week! We are going to the cinema and i meet his mum, which i am quite nervous about! I normally never stop talking.. honestly, and i bet i won't even talk! Haha, and God Knows what I'm doing next week. Something interesting i hope...

Anyway, its saturday and i have been up since 6:30AM, and now I am watching the film 'The Flintstones' because its the only good thing on, on sky. I am sooo tired I keep yawning which makes my eyes water!

Goodbye xxx DRUE (L) xxx

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

This is a poem i wrote when i was bored, it is a bit cheesy:

Roses are red, violets are blue

This poem is about how much i love you.

With every kiss and every hug,

our love spreads like a uncontrollable bug.

Even if you might not be mine, 

i want you to be my valentine.

Because you'll forever be in my heart,

and the last thing i want is for us to part.

I hope you feel the same way too,

because I am proud to say that i love you.

You are in my past and present, will you be in my future?

'Cause i don't want this to be the end.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Argh, its saturday and i woke up at half 6 :/ so now i'm really tired. Anyway, I've not updated my blogspot in a while, and loads has happened since. On the 20th of January it was my birthday :D I'm now going out with the boy i fancied for ages, we are back at school, I've quite Quicksteps (dance school) to go to a better dance school called Elite, I went horse riding and got thrown off by the horse and was in pain for a few days, I'm doing a singing audition on the 9th of february for LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts), then on the 13th it is my best friends birthday and on sunday, its VALENTINES day :)

I have no idea what to write about now.

I'm worried, because i've lost my voice and I'm auditioning (singing) on TUESDAY!! Thats in three days, and if my voice is still not back, god knows what I am gonna do :(

I know that I'm writing about loads of random mumble jumble, but i can't think of anything to write. This is a pretty shit post.
Goodbye x