Saturday, 6 February 2010

Argh, its saturday and i woke up at half 6 :/ so now i'm really tired. Anyway, I've not updated my blogspot in a while, and loads has happened since. On the 20th of January it was my birthday :D I'm now going out with the boy i fancied for ages, we are back at school, I've quite Quicksteps (dance school) to go to a better dance school called Elite, I went horse riding and got thrown off by the horse and was in pain for a few days, I'm doing a singing audition on the 9th of february for LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts), then on the 13th it is my best friends birthday and on sunday, its VALENTINES day :)

I have no idea what to write about now.

I'm worried, because i've lost my voice and I'm auditioning (singing) on TUESDAY!! Thats in three days, and if my voice is still not back, god knows what I am gonna do :(

I know that I'm writing about loads of random mumble jumble, but i can't think of anything to write. This is a pretty shit post.
Goodbye x

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